Content for Inbound Marketing —
ContentMX enables marketing departments to drive more conversations and increase web traffic by automating the creation and sharing of relevant content.
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At many conferences and in many articles about improving search position (SEO), the common conclusion is, content is king. Matt Cutts from Google has repeatedly said that quality content is key to Google rankings. In fact content marketing is essential to being found across all major search engines. When content is published on blogs, newsletters and social media, your website is found and your reputation grows resulting in increased sales. Content is not only king it is the driving force for growing your business. The combination of content and publishing is the most powerful engine in today’s inbound marketing strategy.

Quality Content for Increasing Leads
We provide relevant and engaging content. Good content not only results in improved Google position, it leads to more leads. Writing high-quality content is a key aspect of every SEO strategy. Content writing requires great creative writing skills. And let’s be honest, many blogs are hardly readable and not at all informative, entertaining or inspiring. Our professional staff of writers does the job you don’t have the time to do. Why use our service? Simply because we are good at what we do. We take the load off your staff, and get the results you need.
Content That Improves Your Reputation
Good content that explains your product or service and relates to your prospects needs, demonstrates your expertise. It makes the statement that you are the expert in your field, and that you can be relied on to provide the right solution. Knowledgeable relatable content for inbound marketing improves your stature and reputation. Put this content into a regular email marketing newsletter, and you have a great vehicle for sharing your message.
We Are the Experts in Content for Technology Companies
Our writers understand technology and the relevant content required for ensuring an excellent experience for their readers. Technology companies love our technical content. They have found that our content makes it easier for them to communicate product value.
Technology experience matters. For example, our writers understand cyber security and have written hundreds of articles about it. They know how to convey the technology and business challenges in your marketplace.
Learn more about our cyber security content expertise.
We are the Experts in Quality Content for all Businesses
If your content is well-written and nicely structured, chances are much higher that readers will stay on your site to read your web page or post. This will result in lower bounce rates and will eventually improve your ranking in the search engines. If they like what they see it is more likely they will contact you. Our Quality Content creates new leads.
Why Do You Need ContentMX Content?
Because you need an end-to-end content marketing strategy.
You need content that increases web position, increases sales, and grows your business. ContentMX provides a complete solution for the planning, creation and posting of technology focused content followed by methods for leveraging this content to produce sales leads.
Because ContentMX can make sure your content marketing runs smoothly.
When we create content, we do not just throw writers at you. We provide a complete content marketing plan. Then, our managing editors select the proper writers and make sure the content remains true to your voice and your goals. The completed content then appears in your content dashboard to be easily posted to your blog, newsletter and social media.
Because custom content saves time and resources.
For many organizations, finding the time and resources to create relevant articles for regular publication is a problem. At the same time, the value of frequently published, original content is very high. Search engines like Google prefer up-to-date and original content to add to their index. This means it is more likely your business will be found.