Customize Your Home Workspace with a Sit/Stand Desk

If you're thinking of updating your work from home space but aren't sure where to start, you might want to think about a sit/stand desk. A stand/sit desk are customizable, motorized and give you a flexible workspace. In this video, filmmaker Nat Swehla shows us before and after images of his home office and explains the difference a stand/sit desk, ergonomic chair and cutting-edge peripherals can make. You may soon find yourself updating your workspace at home.

 Customize Your Home Workspace with a Sit/Stand Desk published by Integrated Technology Systems

IT that works for you

Michael Coopersmith

Integrated Technology Systems is a complete IT solution provider which has been in business since 1994. Having the “right” technology in place improves a company’s overall efficiencies and marketplace performance. Employees are more productive, internal and external project collaboration is easier, and communication is enhanced with current technological tools.