The right approach to Zero Trust for unmanaged IoT devices


The shifts we are continuing to see in today's work models are having a far-reaching effect on the traditionally managed network security perimeter. Read the Palo Alto Networks whitepaper to gain insight on the Zero Trust framework organizations should consider for securing IoT devices.

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The right approach to Zero Trust for unmanaged IoT devices published by Mosoca Technogenix

Mosoca Technogenix INC is a cyber security service integrator based in Canada. Our Solutions and services safeguards your organization’s business continuity and interests by protecting  network, data , devices from attacks and unauthorized access.

We are Headquartered in Canada. We serve multiple locations including the US, UK, U.A.E. etc.

In an ever evolving  threat landscape ,our high end solution and services based on human and artificial intelligence provides you the best and maximum protection.