Azure Active Directory Demo


Azure AD (Active Directory) is a cloud-based identity and access management service in Microsoft Azure. It helps you manage the identities of users and devices while controlling access to resources within and outside your organization. A main Azure AD feature is support for integrated cross-tenant collaboration, enabling users from different organizations to collaborate and share resources with each other even when they're not part of the same Azure AD tenant (or instance). What settings are available in Azure AD to help you manage B2B collaboration and B2B direct connect with external Azure AD organizations? Receive a free Azure Active Directory Demo with an expert from our team when you schedule direct.

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Azure Active Directory Demo published by Andosi


We are Andosi, System Design Architects. Our focus is to help our clients imagine, define and create interconnected business systems using a wide variety of applications and technologies. Specializing in MS Dynamics 365, GP and CRM, we provide our clients with the following services:  System Design Architecture, Software Integrations, Customizing Dynamics and Workflow Improvement.

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