Executive Summary, Forrester TEI of Windows 11 Pro Devices

To better understand the benefits, costs, and risks associated with Windows 11, research firm Forrester interviewed organizations with experience using new Windows 11 Pro devices. In this report, Forrester lays out the benefits of Windows 11 such as improvements in security risk profiles and the accelerated deployment and provision of the devices. The report also looks at the costs and challenges of adopting Windows 11 Pro devices. Read the executive summary of the report.

Executive Summary, Forrester TEI of Windows 11 Pro Devices published by Storm7 Labs

Storm7 Labs was founded in 2019. With over 50+ years of combined experience in the IT engineering field, we have successfully designed and built multi-million dollar solutions for some of the leading organizations around the United States. Storm7 Labs is a company about data, data integrity, and security. With the rapid on-set of ransomware, Storm7 Labs is focusing on security services in and around prevention and mitigation of malware. Early detection and policy adoption of corporate data access are key to holding a ransom in check.