B.TECH scales retail operations and slashes time-to-market 30 percent with Microsoft Azure

B-Tech is an Egyptian retail giant specializing in household appliances and consumer electronics. Read how B-Tech used its digital transformation arm b_labs to build a competitive advantage with Microsoft Azure, boosted service availability to 99.9 percent, cut time to market by 30%. Bye-Bye Black Friday back-office blues. Ready to build your competitive advantage with Microsoft Azure? Breis Tech is ready too.

B.TECH scales retail operations and slashes time-to-market 30 percent with Microsoft Azure published by Breis Tech


Usamos a tecnologia para tornar a vida das pessoas mais fácil, fomentando a transformação digital no mundo, trazendo inovação.  

Fazemos isso desenvolvendo soluções em parceria com os principais fabricantes de softwares, e estamos sempre abertos a novas ideias, o que nos possibilita desenhar ou encontrar a solução certa para cada demanda.