2019 in Review
Well, 2019 was quite the tick year! Although we have been pretty quiet on the blog, it's not because it was a slow tick year, it's because we've been buried in ticks! The Canadian Pet Tick Survey has already resulted in over 1500 individual submissions totaling more than 4000 ticks. And it's still going! We hope to have some more results to share by the summer as the studying will be ongoing until the end of March. A huge thank you to all the clinics who are participants and the pet owners who have submitted ticks!
The Pet Tick Tracker had its fair share of submissions, too. Overall, we received 632 submissions from across Canada, which is up from last year's 513 submissions. The majority (501) were from Ontario. This does not mean that ticks are not found in other provinces, but rather is a reflection of where most of our followers live.