Poll: Where do you find most of your business content? Print Magazines Yahoo Google Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Twitter Facebook Google+ LinkedIn Pinterest
Has a company or employee message over a social network enticed you to purchase a product?
I would love to hear if any of you out there follow an employee of a company or a the company and have subsequently purchased a product triggered from a message you received from them. For example I follow @Kodakcb and after receiving a promotional tweet purchased a digital camera from them. If you can give an example and site …
Do you like it when your employees socialize on the job? (Refering to Facebooking, Linkedin, Twitter Etc.)
Antony Radbod wrote: I am a huge advocate of employees using social media outlets. They are your brand ambassadors. They give the company personality. I would monitor to make sure no negative comments and/or proprietary information is going out. You want to leverage the employees to discuss what the company culture is. If you have a product have them discuss …
In what way’s have you influenced conversations online? Using LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube Etc.?
I asked the following question on Linkedin, and thought I would share the answer I received from Joshua Dreller Director, Media Technology & Analytics at Fuor Digital. In what way’s have you influenced conversations online? Using LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube Etc. The best way to influence conversions is to optimize the funnel between the online audience and the converting action. …
How would you “socially enable” a weekly email?
I have a different spin on socially enabled communication than most probably. I look at the concept of trying to deliver your message through more channels. Email is a channel, Twitter is a channel, Facebook, and LinkedIn are also channels. What you really want to do is start to expand your definition of subscribers to include friends, followers, colleagues…etc. Then …