Thinkwise Solutions Ltd.
More about us

We make organizations better with positive change across people, processes and technology. Digital transformations require a modernized IT foundation that leverages agile methods and cloud capabilities. We help strategize, justify and guide clients from vision to implementation of these modernizations to ensure success. Solutions include cloud and data center migrations, enabling cloud DR capabilities, establishing governance for compliance, operations and cost controls, improving end user productivity by implementing digital workplace and work from anywhere strategies. 

 Not sure how to evolve your organization? Contact us to achieve your goals!

  • Business Type
  • Consultant
  • CSP (Cloud Service Provider)
  • Systems Integrator
  • Solution Types
  • Cloud Solutions
  • Hybrid Cloud Solutions
  • Cloud Solutions
  • Azure
  • AWS
  • Industries Supported
  • Legal/Accounting
  • Manufacturing
  • Retail/Hospitality
  • Banking/Finance/Insurance